Wednesday, 11 May 2016

I want to be your room mate again!

I want to be your room mate until the end of the fourth year degree.

May I? Sudi tak? (blink2 eyes)

One of the best bounties when becoming a university student is having a nice room mate. Alhamdulillah, I am given a very nice room mate from kulliyah Economics, an accounting student. I have been given a twinning room, so I have she only unlike others who have 3 room mates in one room.

Happiness is mine when Allah grants me with this kind of room mate! I never heard she said any bad word, very polite, does respect my privacy, caring, a magnificient smile I ever seen is hers, and many more. One thing yang mmg buat saya teruja is, she will go out at 6.45 AM on every Thursday to attend usrah. Baguskan?!

But the problem is, I don't know how to tell her my wish to be her room mate again for next semester. Malu haha.

Last 2 weeks, I told Mak,
"Mak, I have a nice roommate. And I want to be with her again for next semester. But, malu to tell her".

Mak gave me a glance of smile and said,
"Just speak it out. Sometimes people lagi suka kita bgtahu yg kita nak dgm dia lagi, sbb dia akan rasa dihargai".

I am thinking of it till today.

Last Friday, I told Tisya who is one of my closest friends,

'Aku nak room mate dengan syafiqah lagi'.

'Then, bagitahulah dia. Apa masalah kau?'.

'Entah. Aku malu. Malu nak minta jadi room mate dengan dia. Sebab aku tak sebaik dia, takut dia lah taknak jadi room mate aku dah'.

'Kau nih. Macam2 benda kau malu. Speak out of your thoughts tak malu pulak'.

'Speak out of my thoughts is something else laa. I have that confidence because those are derived from books I have read. Ni nak propose room mate jadi room mate sem depan ni bende rumit bg aku. Aku takut dia tak nak.'

'Alahai. Sini aku ajar. Aku bagi skrip ni kat kau, then balik bilik japgi kau apply. Bla bla'.

Sampai diberi skrip. But still I haven't try reading the script yet haha. Still waiting for some strength come into my heart to speak it out.

Syafiqah, please accept me to be your room mate Hahaha. Agar kita bisa sujud bersama di atas sejadah yang sama setiap hari.

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